Flatwoods Monster

Flatwoods Monster was seen in Flatwoods West Virginia September 12 1952 after a group of 3 boys saw a flaming craft go down on a hillside above where they were playing as it got dark. They got their mother and a local WV National Guardsman along with the family dog to go investigate.

As they reached the top of the hill there was a pungent mist and they shined a light towards what they described as a 10 foot tall floating being that had a metal dress shaped bottom that floated off of the ground as it hissed coming towards them. They said it had a dark green body with an ace of spade shaped head or hood and glowing orange eyes along with small claw like arms! After seeing this they all scrambled away down off of the hill! The military came and “investigated” and only found an oil type material on the hillside. Other famous sightings of the alien around Flatwoods were and are still reported!

Is known as the Flatwoods Monster, Braxton County Monster, and Green Monster. Check out our Flatwoods Monster shirts, magnets, coffee mugs and other Merchandise!

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